How to filter comments/tasks

This article describes how to Filter Comments & / or Tasks within a label in SGS Digicomply Labelwise.

(Info) By filtering the comments you are able to easily search for any specific information that a team member might’ve previously provided. And there are several ways that you can filter all the Comments/Tasks.

:blue_book: Instructions

  1. You can filter by Assignee. That means you can filter all the comments/tasks by the person who has created or was assigned to the same.

  2. You can filter by Status. That means you can filter all the Comments/Tasks by the status of each one, meaning if it’s Resolved, Unresolved, or even the option “All”, where you’ll be able to see all the Comments/Tasks created until that point.

  3. You can filter by Reactions. That means you can filter all the comments/tasks by the reaction that has been “inserted” in the Comment/Task.

*reactions, can be emojis, symbols, or market/country flags.

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