How to upcoming changes in Regulations?

The "Regulation" post type will give updates on regulations in force and also the ones that will go into effect at a later date

All the posts in our system are categorized as Guidance, News, Scientific, and Regulation.
In order to monitor the legislative process as a whole, from draft to final version, the topic 'Policies and Laws' can be used instead, further example on how to use it as described below.
Besides this, specific regulatory data are available on the  Restricted substances page, In the Regulatory Guides  as well as in the Regulatory Agenda 

The ‘Regulation’ post type is intended to cover legislation that is published and in effect and also those regulations that have already been approved, but that will go into effect at a later date. We also use other post types, namely ‘news’, that combined with the topic 'Policies and Laws' will provide you with proposed changes that are yet to be made into actual legislation.

In terms of the proper page to use, please note that if you are aiming on searching for official regulations, then you want to use the REGULATIONS tab, if you instead are aiming on broadely search the within the policy-making lifecycle, then please use the tab ALL POSTS combined with the filter 'Policies and Laws'

Examples and exercises

Pesticides in current regulations

If you want to find the regulations currently approved for pesticides, a search could be "pesticide" in the "Regulations" tab:

Test this query

and then you can filter by market or narrow down your search by the actual pesticide you may be interested in.

Instead, if the goal is to scout which pesticides may become regulated in the future, the search could change to "pesticides" in the "All posts" tab accompanied by the topic 'Policies and Law' and the type "News":

Test this query 

this will provide you with any content that mentions pesticides in the context of a regulatory effort (either from official sources or from news outlets). This way, you could spot early discussions about certain substances being selected to be regulated, or maybe discussions about goals of reducing the use of pesticides.