Training module B Practical exercises focused on various features

You will practice different approaches to find the answers in SGS Digicomply, e.g. regulatory search, substance search, topic search and work with Food Regulatory Guides.

Exercise no. 1: Regulatory geographical coverage 

In this exercise you can test whether the following countries: Somalia and Namibia are currently covered as a market in the system.

Assignment: A) Regulatory search

Open Digicomply, and go to Search -> Regulations and start typing "Somalia" to determine if it is a covered market in the system.

As a second example do the same for the country "Namibia".

Answers to this EXERCISE no. 1

Assignment: B) Understanding Regulatory Guides

Explore the map to see the regulatory coverage of interest inside available guides

Exercise no. 2: Substances search (Spirulina example)

In this exercise you will learn how to search by a specific ingredient.

Assignment: For this exercise, take an example of a product, SPIRULINA, and setup a data feed, so you receive a weekly notification for future news. 

  • Create search for a product "SPIRULINA". 
  • Monitor the discussion happening in a few countries in South America (Brazil, Argentina and Chile) to see if there is active news developments (not the regulations) in these markets
  • To do so, create and then save a search that monitors all post types excluding ‘Regulation’.  Setup the appropriate notification preference

NOTE: You can also learn more from the articles in these links:

Answers to this EXERCISE no. 2