What is the best way to obtain information on packaging related policies & Information?

How to navigate the SGS DIGICOMPLY knowledge related to packaging materials


SGS DIGICOMPLY aggregates information related to packaging materials, which includes Food Contact Materials (FCM).  The documents we collect are spread across the 4 types: News, Regulations, Guidances and Scientific (if you want to learn more read this article about post type ).

A dedicated Food Contact Material section is available in all Food Regulations Guide, you can browse the guides from the explore page


If you are aiming on retrieving and monitoring contents on packaging, let's first identify the most relevant metadata you can use: 

Filter Definition Use Case
Policies And Law ( Topic )  Any content that is related to the legislative process, starting from news (or potentially scientific content) that could lead to future regulations, to consultations and drafts of new regulations up to actual regulations. You can use this filter criterion to filter anything that talks about policies , most likely you want to combine with contact materials below or product category Packaging
Contaminants, residues and contact materials (Topics)  And all type of contamination that could arise from food contact materials in general, along with inner packaging requirements, manufacturing standards. Substances that are not intentionally added to foods that may become part of foods due to packaging, storage or processing. Use this, in combination with the one above or below, to narrow down your contents toward the contact materials aspects, often times used in relation to food safety
Packaging (Product Category) All related to materials that wrap, protect or contain goods. it also includes Food Contact Materials related substances. Very important to use this filter as it gives the context
Sustainability (Topics) Anything that has to do with the environment, waste, pollution, recycling, energy efficiency, water, climate impact, welfare, etc. additionally, you can use this topic to gather a subset of packaging-related contents 


An Example

Information on solvent residual limits and regulatory requirements:

In the REGULATION Tab we have used a Specific search on to retrieve Packaging solvents. Filter by market 'South Korea', Product category:Packaging  and Substance:Solvents . You can then adjust the market to move to different jurisdictions. Try this out! 

Alternatively, if you to do a similar search but not only on Current regulations and a global basis rather than only for South Korea,  from the above link, you can move to the All post tab, remove the South Korea country filter, and the Policies and Law Topic filter, the search will look like this 

You can play this tutorial demo for this search scenario HERE