Getting Started with the Restricted Substances Database

In this article you learn how to start using restricted substances database.

In the Restricted Substances Database you can search for maximum limits assigned to specific substances from multiple countries.  A restriction can be expressed in multiple unit of measures and it might be accompanied with specific notes as indicated in the regulation itself.  

If you'd like to learn more about the coverage of the database you can read the What can I find inside the restricted substance database? article.

The video below shows an example of a basic search conducted to show all established usage lImits for Food additives in Iran and Europe, please note that since Iran does not have extracted limits, you can find relevant information directly in the regulatory documents below the table.  

RS 2023


Your search can be saved into a data feed, that means you can be notified for any relevant search and quickly explore the timeline of limits changes. To create a feed, after you have performed a search, just click on the save to feeds button on the top right

Save to feeds button

When the feed is saved, you can find it under the feed menu 

MRL feed

Click here To learn more about feeds



Regulations often use different names or groupings of commodities to describe the same product. For example,  Codex defines the limits of pesticides residues on 'Pome Fruit' which includes 'Apple', while the United States defines the limit directly for 'Apple', therefore when you perform a search, we recommend to check the relations available for that term in order to understand the different potential association used to describe a product or commodity.  To do so, click on the link located on the right-hand side of the product name as per below.

Apple_Regulatory Compliance   Risk Management Software   SGS Digicomply



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