SGS Digicomply for a Regulatory Specialist

This article provides helpful resources to get started with SGS Digicomply as a regulatory specialist.

SGS Digicomply can be a valuable tool for Regulatory specialists to stay informed about regulatory requirements and changes, conduct research, monitor compliance, and manage risk.

As a Regulatory Specialist, there are a number of features and contents that can help your daily routine, the table below provide a synoptic view with links to detailed instructions and the subscription you need to perform such a task. 


Task Training Resources Available for
Learn about specific country regulatory framework to help with export Regulatory Guides Overview PRO, ULT
Research for specific regulations, provision or requirements within regulation text in English Search Engine PRO, ULT
Monitor Regulatory Changes/ Horizon Scanning Personal Feeds ADV, PRO, ULT
Monitor Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) assigned to specific substances from multiple countries.  Restricted Substances PRO, ULT