The Food Regulatory Guides widget allows one to easily find and consult whole guides, while the Food Regulatory Analytics widget allows one to easily compare regulatory status of interest across different markets.
Main text:
The Food Regulatory Guides are documents prepared and maintained by the SGS DIGICOMPLY team describing the various regulations governing the introduction of food products on the specific market.
The Food Regulatory Guides widget is a simple list of the FRGs available in the system, that can be filtered by the market name. The list includes FRGs that have been migrated to the new format (KP-based) and all the FRGs that have not been migrated yet, still presented in the legacy format (dossier-based).
Legacy FRGs are easily identifiable by the icon in front of them, for example in the following screen the market "American Samoa" is covered by a legacy FRG.
The Food Regulatory Analytics (FRA) widget instead allows a more dynamic view, in which filtering capabilities are available along with the possibility to compare the regulatory status of each Regulatory Class that composes the FRGs across markets.
In the widget interface it's possible to select one or more Regulatory Area/Class and one or more Market, By doing so the widget will present a matrix-like structure in which the regulatory status of each pair or regulatory class and markets is shown:
This allows us to easily spot regulatory differences between markets either across the whole area or in any specific area of interest.
Legacy FRGs are not shown in the FRA, and any market not yet migrated to the new format is identified with a dedicated icon