Learn how to edit personal details and other settings.
1) EDIT Personal details:
On the application's "Home" page, navigate to the upper right corner and click on Your Profile. From a scroll-down menu, choose "My account."
Edit my profile: you can edit your details and set up your profile photo (if you wish).
You can edit your profile:
2) EDIT Email Address:
To change your email address, write to our support team: sgsdigicomply.support@sgs.com
3) EDIT Password:
You can change your password in your profile.
On the "Home" page of the application, navigate yourself to the upper right corner and click on Your Profile.
From a scroll down menu choose "My account".
Here you find the section "Change Password".
Fill in fields of "Old password", "New password", and "Re-enter new password" as a confirmation and Save.
Please note that the password needs to satisfy ALL of the complexity criteria:
- At least one letter in upper case (A;B;C;D;E;F;...)
- At least one letter in lower case (a;b;c;d;e;f;...)
- At least one number (0;1;2;3;4;5;...)
- At least one special character (!;*,@;?;...)
In the log-in page, enter your email and click on Forgot password.

Then you see this:
You will receive in your mailbox a new message with "Reset your password":
When you create a new password, then you can go and Log-in
When clicking on password reset: if the account exists, an email with the link to reset the password is sent to your inbox. if you do not receive it, there might be the following possible causes:
- the email you are using to log in is not registered in the system, in this case for security reasons, you don't get any message
- the email was sent but your email system blocked it or moved it to the spam folder
If none of the above helps, please, contact us
On the "Home" page of the application, navigate to the upper right corner and click on your profile and from the scroll down menu choose "My Account".
Here you find section "Language preferences" where you can change content language. Interface language is English.
If you choose your content language e.g. Spanish: the posts in Spanish will be shown in the search results in Spanish. The rest stays in English.