Learn how to edit personal and other settings.
1) EDIT Personal details:
On the application's "Home" page, navigate to the upper right corner and click on Your Profile. From a scroll-down menu, choose "My account."
Edit my profile: you can edit your details and set up your profile photo (if you wish).
You can edit your profile:
2) EDIT Email Address:
To change your email address, write to our support team: sgsdigicomply.support@sgs.com
3) EDIT Password:
You can change your password in your profile.
On the "Home" page of the application, navigate yourself to the upper right corner and click on Your Profile.
From a scroll down menu choose "My account".
Here you find the section "Change Password".
Fill in fields of "Old password", "New password", and "Re-enter new password" as a confirmation and Save.
Please note that the password needs to satisfy ALL of the complexity criteria:
- At least one letter in upper case (A;B;C;D;E;F;...)
- At least one letter in lower case (a;b;c;d;e;f;...)
- At least one number (0;1;2;3;4;5;...)
- At least one special character (!;*,@;?;...)
In the log-in page, enter your email and click on Forgot password.
Then you see this:
You will receive in your mailbox a new message with "Reset your password":
When you create a new password, then you can go and Log-in
When clicking on password reset: if the account exists, an email with the link to reset the password is sent to your inbox. if you do not receive it, there might be the following possible causes:
- the email you are using to log in is not registered in the system, in this case for security reasons, you don't get any message
- the email was sent but your email system blocked it or moved it to the spam folder
if none of the above helps, please, contact us