How can I find CODEX contaminants limits?

The database contains Codex contaminants limits, this article explains how to search for those

To look for CODEX MRL you can use the Restricted Substances tool or the General Search option as follows:


1. Using RS

Search for the market "International", immediately the system shows the option "Codex" related, also the contaminants that could be pesticides, heavy metals, microbiological criteria, veterinary drugs, or mycotoxins. The example shows the search for pesticides :


Screenshot (3)-1


If you click on the "matching limits" , the system displays the information of the regulation  linked 


Screenshot (4) 

You can generate and download a report in  Excel format.


2. From the General search tool

Filter by market "International", source "Codex", type "regulation" and the substance of interest, in the example, look for exact match "contaminants" as follows


Screenshot (5)

The outcome list the Codex standard related, you can click on and consult the whole document.