You can add comments on a post and mention team members to engage into a conversation.
Open a post. On the right side of the screen you can see a pannel with a set of action buttons. Clicking on the "Comments" icon (chat bubbles) opens a section with comments.
At the bottom you can find an input where you can enter your comments, select a type of comment (public/private - depending on the configuration of your organisation), and press ''Post". Public comments are visible to everyone, and private ones are visible only to the members of your organisation.

The existing comments are listed above the input sorted by the date of creation (the newest on the top).
You can also add replies to the existing comments simply by clicking on the reply button which will show you a reply section where you can add your thoughts or questions.
In case you would like to mention one of your colleagues, just type "@" and start writing the colleague's name: