How to use the search-by-text feature?

In this article, you will learn how to search for documents by text queries.

The improved search experience brings a new feature in how a user can search for documents by text queries. We introduce a search-by-text filter that brings the opportunity to search inside the text and allows the user to better specify how the search query should be navigation-1

The new search engine supports 4 modes of search by the text query and 3 scopes

  • 4 modes:

  • 3 scopes:

By default, the search configuration uses smart search in all document fields.

4 modes


  1. Smart search 
    • The smart search represents the best possible match of used terms such as phrases, separate terms, synonyms, or combinations to retrieve the most relevant results. The fine-tuned algorithm decides how the query should be applied to bring the most relevant results. In this mode, not only the documents that contain all the terms are returned by also partial matches are retrieved but with less relevancy.
  2. Exact search
    • The exact match search represents the phrase search. Only documents that contain exact phrases are retrieved back by the search engine.
  3. Boolean search
    • The boolean search gives the ability to construct the text search query with specific rules based on boolean syntax. To learn more about this type of search, read the text below.
  4. URL search
    • The URL search gives the ability to search documents by their original source URL.


  • In title
    • It supports search with the search query in the title of the document.
  • In text
    • It supports search with the search query in the document abstract and fulltext.
  • In metadata
    • It supports search with the search query in the metadata like market categories, topics, sources, and others.


  • to change AND/OR search logic or play with the search order, the button "Expand" can be used. 

expand button-1

Boolean search:

Boolean search allows users to use complex, long queries with boolean operators.


There are several rules that need to be followed to compose a valid boolean query.