The status you can check and change in the section “Validation feedback” in right site corner.
1. When the country start the review the status of the work should be “IN REVIEW”
2. When the first reviewer from the country finished the review the status should be changed to “PROOFREADING”
3. After the both reviewers from the country finish the review, they should inform Managing Affiliate that the review is finished and changed the status for “PLAUSIBILITY CHECK”
4. Once the Managing Affiliates performed plausibility check, the review can be finished end the status should be changed for “DONE”. Changing the status for done means that the review is completed and the order is done.
Please note that before closing the order you received the below notification to confirm if it is correct to close the order.
This point is correct just please remove “(Info) Validation feedback(s) provided by a reviewer(s) will be grouped by markets (reaction flags) and used in the review report.” – under the last pic from this section
6. Review report
Food label review properties
The first part contains the same properties as used in the original SGS FOOD LABEL REVIEW template. These properties are automatically filled based on the properties* defined in the Label Information section. Also, the label preview is added automatically.*The only difference is the Overall Conclusion, which is generated based on the validation feedback(s).
Market-specific review
The next sections of the review report are market specific. Validation feedback(s) provided by the reviewer(s) are grouped by reaction flags (markets). Each market-specific section contains:
summary table
text is generated based on the validation feedback(s) for a given market
table with validations for specific elements
legal requirements = label elements
conformity = type of the validation feedback
label detail = segment (selectable area) preview
corrective action = text of the validation feedback
comments/legislation ref. = regulatory requirements
table for general comments
this table is not filled automatically
it is intended for other comments added by a user after the report is generated
table with generic validations
similar to the “table with validations for specific elements”
the difference is that this table contains validations that are not related to specific elements, but to element type (e.g. feedback related to all claims), or label in general (e.g. feedback related to label background).