In this article, we explain how to provide feedback in a Label Review in Labelwise.
When entering the Label you have to do the Review for, firstly select the Market for which you are doing the Review for, example below:
Once the market is selected you should have "In Review" Status, which means we can start reviewing the artwork.
Afterward, we should confirm that we have all the necessary elements in the artwork for the Review, meaning select the bottom right "Eye Icon" to see selectable elements in the artwork, as we can see in the example below:
As you can see now we have all the selectable elements in the artwork visible:
Now that we have all the elements in the artwork visible, we can start reviewing. For the purpose of this document, we will only review the Nutrition Facts Table and Ingredients List.
By clicking the position in the Artwork we opened the "dialog" for Validation Feedback, which is how we provide our Validation as in "Approved", "Approved - See Comment", "N/A" or "Changes Required".
Let's approve the Nutrition Table, and for that, we need to write down our reasoning, or just mention that is approved,
Don't forget to confirm that we are providing the validation to the right element and Market for which we are reviewing.
Tip: Have in mind that, for an element to be approved it's optional to write reasoning, on the other hand, if we validate an element as "Changes Required" we are mandatory to write the reasoning behind our decision.
If everything is correct, we just click "Approve". By doing that, not only did the highlighted position in the Artwork change to green but also in the side panel we changed to the "validation Feedback" Section, where we can see that our Validation was posted.
Let's now Review the Ingredients List! For this one, we will validate it as "Changes Required".
Once again, by clicking the position in the Artwork we opened the "dialog" for Validation Feedback, but in this case, we will validate for "Changes Required", which means we will have to provide reasoning for our decision.
Don't forget to confirm that we are providing the validation to the right element and Market for which we are reviewing and have in mind that if we validate an element as "Changes Required" we are mandatory to write the reasoning behind our decision.
If everything is correct, we just click "Changes Required". By doing that, not only did the highlighted position in the Artwork change to red but also in the side panel we changed to the "validation Feedback" Section, where we can see that our Validation was posted.
We have also an option to provide "Validation Feedback" in the side panel, but there is a difference, by doing it this way we will be providing what it's called "Generic Feedback", which means we are providing Feedback that is not "connected" to any of the positions or elements in the artwork.
For example, we want to remind our colleagues that this Label should have a 2nd artwork which is not been uploaded yet. And since this feedback is not connected to any artwork element it's assumed as "Generic Feedback".
Whenever a 1st Generic Feedback is provided, this floating Red Button will appear on the top right side of the artwork, which will let us know that some Validation Feedback was provided but is not connected to any position or element in the artwork.
When we click the "Generic Feedback" Floating button, we will be able to see the Feedback that was provided, also if any other colleague adds a new "Generic Feedback", it will appear here as well, so we can always be in sync with our team's work.
Optional: Although, we can always add an Artwork Element here in the "+" Icon for "Reported For", that way is just a different way that we can provide feedback to an artwork element.