How to edit the post title?

When creating a post from an URL or from a document, the title is automatically created. Is there a way to edit the same?

Please note that in order to perform the editing of a post you need to have the rights to do so and have a PRO license.

The title of a post, as well as any details or the body text, can be fully edited. In the post detail, hover over the post title and click on the edit icon which will allow you directly update the title text. Once you are done updating, click the "Save" button.

Start editing the post title by clicking the edit icon

Save or cancel the post title

Alternatively, from the post detail, by clicking on "More actions" (three dots button on the top right), select "Edit", then select "Fulltext". The system may ask you to assign the post and you just need to accept. 

Edit the title of the post and click on the "Save" button in the upper right corner. You will be asked for confirmation if the post is not a draft.