How to attach Comments and References to feedback

This article describes how to attach Comments and References to feedback.

How to attach Comments and References to feedback?

This article describes how to attach Comments and References to feedback.

When you are in the process of providing feedback there are two ways to attach a comment/reference. Click in the box Show Comments/References in the top right corner or click the orange text here in the bottom right corner. 

A new section appears. 

Either search for previously saved comments or create a new one for this job. Let’s first show how to create a new one. Click on Create New.

Write your comment and use colors and text formatting of your choosing. In this case we do not want to save this comment in our reference library. We therefore untick the box Share in catalogue and then press Create & Attach

Your comment is now added to the validation, and you just have to click on the applicable assessment of the element (in this case Changes Required) to finalize the validation of the element. 


Now let’s add a comment/reference which has been saved in your reference library from previous orders. This time you use the search field and type in specific terms you know are present in the comment/reference. Use the filter function to reduce the amount of search hits. 


Attach the comment you would like to use and finish by choosing the assessment applicable for the element. 



Create Quick filters by pressing the Save symbol for a search of your choosing. In the example below quick filters for three different markets have been saved. 


TIP! You can also create a comment based on a previously saved comment. Simply press the “Duplicate”-button and the information will be copied and transferred to a new comment which you can edit to fit your current order. 




When you have provided feedback for all elements in the review, don’t forget to add your general disclaimer comment or other general comment. 

Use the Add General Comment-button and search for it in the same way you search for other saved comments. 



To get an overview of your feedback, click and drag the left border of the validation feedback box, to the left. 

This view gives a preview of what the final report will look like. Here you can edit your corrective actions and comments. Simply click on the different sections to edit. Please note that if you have added a comment directly from your reference library, changes made to it in this mode will change it also in the reference library.