How to attach Comments and References to feedback

This article describes how to attach Comments and References to feedback.

First thing, if you didn't go through the interactive demo yet, we suggest you do for a better understanding of the feature:

1. As you can see, now we have "General Comments" within the feedback section. By clicking we will be redirected to the tab of "General Comments", where we can add Comments with References as a "General Comment", we can open the ones that have already been provided, can edit the existing ones, we can delete them, or we can simply just add new ones as mentioned above.

2. Now we are within the "General Comments" Tab, first things first, we have several flags that represent the Markets for which this label is being reviewed (in this case we have Germany Market and France Market). Also and most importantly, we have the "Attach New Comment" Button. Let's click it and add our first comment!

3. All the comments and comments with references that are within your catalog will be present within this list. Let's then Select the one or the ones we want to utilize for this review.

4. We selected this one, and right after doing that, the bottom right button "Attach Selected" became available. So let's attach the selected comment.

5. You might notice several new things now. So not only is the comment attached to the review and is present in the sidebar, but it's mentioning the France Market, the reason why the french market is because (as you can see in the top bar on the screen with the information of the label, it's mentioning that I'm doing the Review for the french market, so the comment we attached automatically gets set for the market I'm doing the review for, even tho on the bottom the comment says it's from the German Team / German Market, that just means it's a comment from their Catalogue.

6. We have the option to edit the comment, Delete it, or open it in a new Tab within Chrome, so we can have a better and total look at the information within the comment if needed.

7. By clicking on the "Edit it" option this is what you will see and be able to do. For example, add another Market and edit the comment, when finished with editing click the checkmark to save the edits.

8. As you can see, here is to add market, which in this case, I do not have more options besides France market since I'm doing the review specifically for France within this Demo.

9. Now when finished with the Review of the Label, just go to generate a Dossier and the comments that you attached will all be present within the "General Comments" Section on the Dossier/Report!

10. Now, when finishing the Label Review, let's go to Reports.
Here we are able to see the list of all the reports created until that point, also we are able to create a new report.

11. So, let's go ahead and create a new report and verify if everything is correct.

12. In this screen, we are provided with several options, depending on what information we want our report to have we uncheck &/or check the necessary info.

After doing that, verify one more time if everything is according to your needs and click the "Create" Button.

13. As we can see the "General Comment" we added during this Label Review, appears right below the "Market Section", in its own "General Comments Section" within our Report/Dossier.

Once again we want to remind you that If you didn't go through the interactive demo yet, we suggest you do for a better understanding of the feature: