Discover post widget

Explore the contents of Digicomply that you have access to through a graphical interface which enables you to drill down the data by geographical region or a content classification.

The map shows the countries in which you can find any post. You can scroll the map in any direction, zoom it in and out. Select one country directly on the map by clicking on it. Otherwise you can select the country by using the drop-down list on the top of the map. There are no data for the countries coloured in grey. When you select one country, a diagram on the right of the screen shows the number of posts available in that country by type. You can also change the visualization to show the number of posts per source. In both diagrams you can click on any of the bars. When doing so you will be redirected to the list of all the posts matching the category have clicked on.
The chart shows the posts grouped by their classification (Type, Topic, Country and Source). You can expand and collapse any classification of the tree. When you expand a classification the tree will list all the available classifications available in the selected one for which there is at least one post. When a classification is selected, a diagram on the right of the screen shows the distribution of the posts across the classifications available under the selected one. The user can click on the button to open the full list of posts or click on one of the bars in the diagram to open the list of posts matching that specific classification.


Discover post