Data retrieval: exercise 1

Standard for drinking water quality, China, GB5749-2022.

Here is the exercise on Drinking water quality, standard GB5749-2022.

Assignment: Search for this "GB5749-2022 - Standard for drinking water quality".


There are following search options: 

1) Filter by Market: In this case, China

2) Use keywords, such as "GB 5749" and "Drinking water".

Filter further these keywords by ticking Exact match as shown in the image 1.


  • If you check the search result in the ALL POST tab,
     please sort by MOST RELEVANT FIRST. (image 1)
  • If you check the search result in the REGULATION tab, it will be shown in the UPCOMING, as the standard will be effective on April 01, 2023 (image 2)

Image 1
