Within the FEED generative AI summaries, you can customize it for your interest, here is a quick guide to get the most out of it.
We understand that every user has unique preferences and needs. With AI Copilot, you can customize your summaries to focus on specific topics or languages that matter most to you. Tailor your experience to get the insights you require, the way you want them. To do so, when you are in a feed, by clicking on the setting icon, you will find the option “Customize summary”.
You will find a dialogue window where you can describe the interest and context of your feed, so the AI Copilot can personalize it for your needs.
How to build an effective customization?
In order to create an effective summary, you can include the following sections into your feed customization:
- Your role: add things like “As a regulatory expert”, “As a food safety expert”, “as a food researcher”, etc… this helps the AI Copilot to be more contextual and use professional language.
- Your interest: some examples are “keep only relevant information related to cocoa powder” or “I am interested in labelling regulations”.
- Your desired output format: you can add simple formatting requirements like “make a list” or “group the items in subtopics”.
- Your preferred tone: When you need clarity or a deeper understanding of a topic, idea, or any piece of information, utilize the following sentences: “Explain [insert specific topic] in simple terms” or “Explain to me as if I’m a beginner in [field].”.
What to avoid in order to get the best of AI Copilot?
- There is no need to add phrases like “please”, “if you don’t mind” or “thank you” because this can cause your response to be more informal, be concise.
- Avoid complex instructions or multistep indications. For example: “create a list of items, verify if the information is relevant and make a summary for each relevant item”. Even though the AI Copilot can handle cases like the that, it may not produce consistent results and the quality of answers will be diminished. Keep it simple.
- Don’t ask for mathematical operations. LLM’s are known to fail in mathematical reasoning. For example: “tell me the number of incidents involving salmonella” will most likely provide an imprecise answer.
- Avoid negative instructions, for example “don’t consider [topic]” instead make a list of things you are interested in.
How does AI Copilot generate an answer?
In the context of SGS DIGICOMPLY feeds, AI Copilot extracts information from the latest posts that are marked as Unread. We select the most relevant information from each of them and then construct a summary tailored for your interests.
However, if the knowledge is not present into these posts, the AI Copilot will mention that no information is available and in most of the cases will proceed to summarize or mention the available information.
Be sure to mark as read or unread the posts that you consider relevant. This way the AI Copilot will work with the desired information for you.