This article explores the Feed created for an entire organization
This feature is available to users with an organizational account
To setup a feed shared across the organization, you need to have the Organization manager role. First, setup and save a search on the Search page, and then check the option Make the feed visible to all members of my organization.
Please note that the email notifications frequency is managed by the organisation manager, the other users won't be able to snooze those emails.
Once the feed is configured, every user in your organization will see the same in the "Organization feeds" section within the dedicated Feeds module.
How to share a feed with a single user
1. Select the feed you want to share.
2. The "Share feed" option in the top-right popup menu opens a share dialog.
3. You can copy the link and send it to your colleague(s).
4. When the colleague opens the link, he/she can name and save the feed.
Another option is to share the feed in a similar way while editing the feed.