AI Copilot: Best Practices to maximise its potentials

This article shows you best practices on how to use AI Copilot around SGS Digicomply.



  • AI CO-PILOT suggestions and summaries don’t represent SGS’s views, and should not be attributed to SGS.
  • Don’t rely on AI CO-PILOT features alone and always double check source information or  seek for professional advice.
  • AI CO-PILOT features may suggest inaccurate or inappropriate information. Your feedback makes AI CO-PILOT more helpful and safe.

1) Help me with my feeds — Horizon Scanning 

AI Copilot provides summaries of the new posts that are collected within a feed, meaning that it only considers the posts marked as UNREAD. 

By default, the Generative AI summary provides what it considers the most relevant facts within an article. If you are hunting for specific information for example you have set up a feed monitoring scientific papers related to climate change, you can customize the summary with your own interest, for example: 

Provide a summary of the effects of climate change that are related to the reduced yield of agricultural products. If there are none in the context, simply state 'none'

OR another option, if you are concerned about regulatory changes within the contents you get in your feed, here is an example: 

As a regulatory affairs specialist, I want to get a summary of any content mentioning policies and laws related to food and dietary supplements. If the document does not contain anything relevant to food supplement policies, skip the summary.

if you'd like to learn more about AI Copilot and how to use it in FEEDS, you may want to read this article

2) Help Me with information extraction in search page

AI Copilot revolutionizes the way you interact with our search pages through its sophisticated information extraction capabilities. AI Copilot systematically sifts through search results, pinpointing key information, and presenting it in a concise and accessible format. Before asking the AI Copilot to help retrieve a certain knowledge, you have to fire a query from the search bar. Once have a list of items in the result screen, you can ask the AI Copilot to generate the content you need based on the knowledge in these documents. 

For example:

REGULATORY COMPLIANCE: I want to retrieve the requirements for labelling of Fruit Juices in Brazil. 

Step 1: Go to the search page, select regulations, select market Brazil, select topic Labelling

Step 2: In the AI Copilot chat bar, I enter the following instructions, “I am interested in mandatory requirements in labels of Fruit Juices”. So that I can see the generative answer for the those.

FOOD SAFETY:  I want to retrieve the most critical recall related to spices. 

Step 1: Go to the search page, select Incidents, select product category Spices 

Step 2: In the AI Copilot chat bar, I enter the following: “Outline the recalls related to spices, where they happened, when, the root cause and the consequences. At the end, let me know which one is the most critical of them.”

Once again, the results generated by AI Copilot depends on the documents you have in the search results. You can try changing the query criteria as well, changing the way you formulate your instructions to see how it affects the result.

3) Help Me with standard and augmented summarisation

AI Copilot offers an efficient means of condensing lengthy documents, articles, or reports into concise and digestible formats. You don't have to open every single post, because the AI Copilot can identify key information, extract essential details, and present a cohesive summary for you. This standard summarization function is invaluable for professionals and researchers who need to quickly grasp the core concepts of a document without delving into the minutiae.

Since 7th of December, the AI Copilot is released in BETA as a generally available feature. This feature is fully available for all users with ULTIMATE licence. Preview of the feature is available to users with ALL licences as part of the Top Stories Feed.

If you hold any other edition and would like to test the feature in full, you can contact our support and request a trial of the ULTIMATE licence.